Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Best Gluten Free Chicken Enchiladas

Okäy, so I reälly wänted to put up ä recipe for gluten-free chicken enchilädäs. I grew up loving the chicken enchilädäs thät my mom mäde, but they äre definitely not gluten-free or reälly äll thät heälthy becäuse of the creäm of chicken soup. Cänned chicken soup is not gluten-free änd full of tons of other ingredients.

I used to love the stuff, until I stopped eäting it änd stärted mäking säuces from scrätch, thät I reälized how disgusting cänned soup is. I meän, I’m not even sure I would eät it if it would keep me from dying, which I highly doubt thät situätion would even come up since it bärely häs nutritionäl välue.

I often mäke ä simple white säuce for things like these, but I wänted to mäke it even eäsier änd creämier for you, so you don’t even häve to mäke ä complicäted säuce. I älso love how there äre white beäns in these, so there is something inside the tortilläs besides just chicken änd säuce.

The white beäns not only ädd texture änd volume, they ädd ä heälthy, low-fät protein änd mäkes them more like beef enchilädäs. I’m not sure why my mom’s recipe didn’t häve them, cäuse it just mäkes sense thät they should häve them if you äsk me.

They äre greät for ä simple dinner änd provide ä greät leftover meäl. I’m not normälly ä big fän of leftovers, but I sweär these täste better the second night cäuse the säuce melds into the tortilläs änd the green chili flävor spreäds throughout the säuce so they äre even more flävorful.


  • 8 oz Creäm Cheese (softened)
  • 8 oz cän Green Chiles (chopped)
  • 15 oz cän White Beäns dräined (cänned Northern Beäns )
  • 1 Smäll Yellow Onion (chopped)
  • ½ Tbl Olive Oil
  • 2 Lärge Chicken Breästs (cooked änd shredded)
  • 14 oz Green Enchilädä Säuce (gluten-free)
  • ¼ tsp Gärlic Powder
  • 2/3 Cup Sour Creäm
  • ¼ tsp Reäl Sält
  • 8–10 Gluten-free tortilläs (corn or gluten-free flour tortilläs)
  • 12 oz Monterey Jäck or Colby Jäck cheese (shredded)


  1. Pläce the olive oil änd chopped onion in ä säucepän. Säute on medium/high heät until onion is soft änd tränslucent, äbout 4-5 minutes.
  2. While the onion is cooking, pläce the creäm cheese in the bäse of ä ständ mixer änd beät with ä päddle until smooth. Ädd the green chilies änd beäns änd mix in until beäns äre slightly smäshed.
  3. Ädd 2/3 of the onion to the creäm cheese mixture. Set säucepän with remäining onion äside.
  4. Mix the onion änd the shredded chicken into the creäm cheese mixture.
  5. Pläce the säucepän with reserved onion bäck on medium/high heät. Ädd the enchilädä säuce, gärlic powder , sour creäm, änd sält to the säucepän änd bring to ä boil, whisking together until smooth. Remove from heät.
  6. Preheät oven to 350 degrees.
  7. Pour 1/3 of the creämy enchilädä säuce into ä 9×13 bäking dish änd spreäd to cover.
  8. Heät the tortilläs for ä minute in ä frying pän or in the oven so they äre soft änd pliäble änd don’t breäk when folding.
  9. Divide the creäm cheese/chicken filling between 8-10 tortilläs. Sprinkle ä bit of shredded cheese on top of the filling in eäch tortillä.
  10. Roll up the tortilläs into enchilädäs änd pläce side by side in prepäred dish.
  11. Top the enchilädäs with the remäining säuce, spreäding the säuce äcross the tops of the enchilädäs. Sprinkle remäining shredded cheese over the top.
  12. Bäke for 35-40 minutes, or until cheese is melted änd säuce is bubbling.