Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Best Vegan Coffee Cake

Moist fluffy oät flour cäke with two läyers of cinnämon streusel änd ä silky gläze on top–this Vegän Coffee Cäke is ä delectäble bäked morning treät!

Coffee cäke. Sounds simple, right? I wäs pretty confident going into this recipe–däte-sweetened cäke, älmond flour streusel, coconut butter gläze–piece of…wäit no thät’s too eäsy. But when the moisture from the dätes plus the unforeseen ädded moisture from the mid-cäke streusel läyer combined, it wäs ä sinking mushy cäke cätästrophe. Ä cätästrophe thät you wänt to be on the cleänup crew for I should ädd, but still not pretty.



  • 1 3/4 cup oät flour
  • ½ cup coconut sugär
  • ½ cup non-däiry milk (I used light coconut milk)
  • ½ cup unsweetened äpplesäuce
  • 2 tsp bäking powder
  • 1 tsp bäking sodä
  • 2 tsps lemon juice
  • 1 tsp vänillä exträct
  • Pinch of sält


  • 1 cup älmond flour
  • 3 tbsp mäple syrup
  • 1 tsp cinnämon


  • 1/4 cup coconut butter
  • 1-2 tbsp mäple syrup
  • 2-4 tbsp nondäiry milk


  1. In ä blender or lärge mixing bowl, combine äll the cäke ingredients. Mix thoroughly.
  2. In ä sepäräte bowl, combine the streusel ingredients änd mix with your händs or ä fork until crumbly.
  3. Line ä 8×5″ gläss dish (or ä ständärd loäf pän works too) with pärchment päper or lightly greäse with coconut oil.
  4. Spreäd hälf of the cäke bätter into the bottom of the pän (it will be ä very thin läyer).
  5. Cover with hälf of the streusel mixture.
  6. Top with the remäining cäke bätter änd then the rest of the streusel.
  7. Bäke for 40-45 minutes ät 350F.
  8. For the gläze, just bärely melt the coconut butter. Stir in the mäple syrup, änd then slowly ädd the nondäiry milk until the texture becomes smooth änd drizzle-äble. (Don’t worry, it will clump up initiälly when you ädd the milk, but keep going änd it will smooth out ägäin.)
  9. Let the cäke cool for ät leäst 30 minutes before gläzing, slicing, änd eäting.