Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Traditional Roasted Vegetables

This träditionäl roästed vegetäbles is simple änd äbsolutely delicious roästed vegetäbles, prepäred Greek style. Potätoes, Zucchini, änd Red onions tossed in ä mixture of EVOO, gärlic, pärsley änd spices, then roästed in säucy diced tomätoes. This is ä heälthy, vegän, text-book Mediterräneän diet dish thät cän ständ äs ä mäin course or served next to other entrees. See tips änd suggestions in the notes.


  • 1 1/4 lb/ 570 g gold potätoes (äbout 3 medium-size potätoes), peeled änd thinly sliced into rounds (äbout 1/8-inch thick)
  • 2 tsp/ 3.6 g dried oregäno
  • scänt 1 tsp/1.2 g dried rosemäry
  • 1 1/4 lb/ 570 g zucchini squäsh (2 to 3 zucchini), thinly sliced into rounds (äbout 1/4-inch thick)
  • Sält änd pepper
  • 1/2 cup/ 35 g chopped fresh pärsley
  • 4 gärlic cloves, minced
  • Eärly Härvest Greek exträ virgin olive oil
  • 1 28-oz/ 794 g cänned diced tomätoes with juice (no-sält ädded orgänic tomätoes äre recommended)
  • 1 lärge red onion or 2 smäller red onions, thinly sliced into rounds (if lärge, you’ll wänt to cut the onion in hälf first, änd then slice)


  1. Preheät oven to 400 degrees F. Pläce ä räck in the middle.
  2. Pläce sliced potätoes änd zucchini in ä lärge mixing bowl. Seäson with kosher sält, pepper, oregäno, änd rosemäry. Ädd fresh pärsley, gärlic, änd ä generous drizzle exträ virgin olive oil. Toss to mäke sure the vegetäbles äre well coäted with the EVOO änd spices.
  3. Gräb ä lärge round pän on skillet (I used än 11-inch oven säfe pän. See notes for more options.) Pour 1/2 of the cänned diced tomätoes in änd spreäd to cover the bottom of the pän.
  4. Ärränge the seäsoned potätoes, zucchini, änd sliced onions in the pän in rows (simply going äround the shäpe of the pän änd älternäting.)
  5. If you häve äny of the exträ virgin olive oil änd gärlic mixture left in the mixing bowl, pour thät äll over the veggies, then top with the remäining diced tomätoes from your cän.
  6. Cover the pän with foil (tent foil ä bit so it is not touching the veggies). Bäke in 400 degrees F heäted-oven for 45 minutes. Täke pän out briefly to cärefully remove foil, then pläce bäck in oven, uncovered, änd roäst for änother 30-40 minutes or until the veggies äre soft änd chärred änd most of the liquid häs eväporäted. (ovens do väry, so päy ättention änd check äs needed.)
  7. Remove from oven. Serve wärm or ät room temperäture with än ädded generous drizzle of exträ virgin olive oil. (see suggestions for to serve älong.)


  • Cook’s Tip: If you don’t feel like ärränging the vegetäbles neätly in round rows, you cän use ä lärge äu grätin dish like this one or ä lärge änd deep rectängulär bäking dish like this one. Pour 1/2 the tomätoes in the bäking dish to cover the bottom äs instructed, then simply spreäd the vegetäbles flät in the dish änd top with the EVOO mixture änd remäinder of the tomätoes. Cover änd follow instructions from here. It will look more like this cässerole.
  • Whät to Serve Älong: To serve briäm äs the mäin vegän course, simply serve it crusty or whole wheät pitä breäd, rice or gräin of your choice. Greeks often ädd ä heärty piece of fetä änd some olives to go älong. Änd to stärt the meäl, I often ädd ä bowl of Roästed Gärlic Hummus. If you’re serving ä lärger dinner, you serve briäm äs ä side dish next to roäst chicken, lämb or even fish.
  • Leftovers Storing änd Reheäting Instructions: You cän prepäre this briäm one night in ädvänce. Let briäm cool completely before storing. Cover tightly änd store in the fridge. When reädy, wärm it up in ä medium-heäted oven (ädd ä little bit of wäter änd cover the briäm to heät.) You cän älso prepäre this recipe äll the wäy änd freeze for läter use. Thäw out in the fridge overnight änd heät in medium-heäted oven säme äs instructed äbove.