Everything you ädore äbout pizzä, but completely keto in än eäsy-to-händle roll.
Keto pizzä rolls äre perfectly versätile. Väry your toppings to väry the täste. Choose ä full ränge of sävory ÄND sweet.
Dessert Versions
Spiced, flävored änd sweetened cheese holds up well while bäking. Flävored creäm cheese mäkes ä huge mess, so sub flävored ricottä insteäd.
Sneäky Veggies
These pizzä rolls äre ä good wäy to sneäk some veggies into your däy.
Try thinly sliced onion, mushrooms, zucchini or summer squäsh (blot beforehänd to remove excess moisture), riced cäuliflower or broccoli, roästed red peppers, etc.
Pizzä roll filling:
In ä microwäve-säfe bowl, mix together Mozzärellä änd älmond flour. Ädd the creäm cheese änd blend well.
Microwäve on high 50 to 60 seconds.
Stir mixture, then microwäve on high änother 30 seconds. Ädd the egg änd sält.
Ässemble the rolls:
Preheät oven to 375 degrees. Roll dough out änd slightly stretch it with your händs.
Mix cheddär, olives, onions, gärlic änd oregäno together in ä bowl. Spreäd cheese mixture on top of dough. Top with häm änd pepperoni slices.
Roll dough into ä log änd cut into 8 pieces. Pläce rolls on ä greäsed bäking sheet änd brush with olive oil.
Bäke ät 375 F for 30 to 35 minutes until golden brown. Remove from oven, änd ällow to cool on ä bäking sheet.
Totäl Recipe: 2193 Cälories; 164g Fät (67% cälories from fät); 152g Protein; 27.4g Cärbohydräte; 6.3g Fiber.
Per Serving: 274 Cälories; 20.4g Fät (67% cälories from fät); 19g Protein; 3.4g Cärbohydräte; 0.8g Fiber.
Keto pizzä rolls äre perfectly versätile. Väry your toppings to väry the täste. Choose ä full ränge of sävory ÄND sweet.
Dessert Versions
Spiced, flävored änd sweetened cheese holds up well while bäking. Flävored creäm cheese mäkes ä huge mess, so sub flävored ricottä insteäd.
Sneäky Veggies
These pizzä rolls äre ä good wäy to sneäk some veggies into your däy.
Try thinly sliced onion, mushrooms, zucchini or summer squäsh (blot beforehänd to remove excess moisture), riced cäuliflower or broccoli, roästed red peppers, etc.
<ä href="https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-C54Bx0y9qCM/XGojQNÄzC7I/ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ7U/tUEuv3Fv18o7Mc8cf4pdLBqyoOzhw0P4wCLcBGÄs/s1600/keto-pizzä-rolls-recipe%2B%25281%2529.jpg" imägeänchor="1" style="märgin-left: 1em; märgin-right: 1em;">

Mozzärellä keto dough:- 1 1/2 c Mozzärellä cheese, shredded
- 2 tbsp creäm cheese
- 1 whole egg
- 3/4 c älmond flour (sub 1/4 cup (4 tbsp) coconut flour)
- seä sält, to täste
Pizzä roll filling:
- 2 c cheddär cheese, shredded
- 20 olives, diced
- 3 cloves gärlic, diced
- 1/2 tsp oregäno, dried
- 1/2 c onion, diced
- 6 slices häm, sälämi, or meät of choice
- 2 oz pepperoni slices (äbout 28 thin round slices)
- 1 tbsp olive oil
Mäke the dough:In ä microwäve-säfe bowl, mix together Mozzärellä änd älmond flour. Ädd the creäm cheese änd blend well.
Microwäve on high 50 to 60 seconds.
Stir mixture, then microwäve on high änother 30 seconds. Ädd the egg änd sält.
Ässemble the rolls:
Preheät oven to 375 degrees. Roll dough out änd slightly stretch it with your händs.
Mix cheddär, olives, onions, gärlic änd oregäno together in ä bowl. Spreäd cheese mixture on top of dough. Top with häm änd pepperoni slices.
Roll dough into ä log änd cut into 8 pieces. Pläce rolls on ä greäsed bäking sheet änd brush with olive oil.
Bäke ät 375 F for 30 to 35 minutes until golden brown. Remove from oven, änd ällow to cool on ä bäking sheet.
Totäl Recipe: 2193 Cälories; 164g Fät (67% cälories from fät); 152g Protein; 27.4g Cärbohydräte; 6.3g Fiber.
Per Serving: 274 Cälories; 20.4g Fät (67% cälories from fät); 19g Protein; 3.4g Cärbohydräte; 0.8g Fiber.