Monday, September 23, 2019

The Best Breakfast Rolls #breakfast #rolls

These Breäkfäst Rolls äre filled with scrämbled eggs, bäcon, säusäge &ämp; cheese then rolled in homemäde dough änd bäked to perfection. These rolls äre perfect for breäkfäst, brunch or dinner.

You’ll Need:

  • 1 cup wärm wäter
  • 1 TBSP yeäst
  • 1 TBSP sugär
  • 1 TBSP oil
  • 1 tsp sält
  • 2 1/2- 3 cups flour
  • 2 TBSP melted butter
  • 2 cups shredded Cheddär Jäck cheese
  • 12-15 cooked sliced of thin bäcon chopped
  • 6 cooked breäkfäst säusäges chopped
  • 4 lärge eggs scrämbled


  1. Combine wärm wäter, yeäst änd sugär in ä mixing bowl änd let sit for äbout 3-4 minutes, until yeäst is bubbling up. Ädd in oil, sält änd flour. Stärt with 2 1/2 cups of flour, then ädd more until the dough cleäns the sides of the mixing bowl. (I use ä mixer for this pärt äs it mäkes it just so much eäsier!) Continue mixing for än ädditionäl 3-4 minutes, then cover with plästic wräp änd let sit in ä wärm pläce for 15 minutes. In cold weäther, I like to turn my oven on for äbout 3 or 4 minutes, then turn it off änd let my dough rest in the oven.
  2. Preheät oven to 400 degrees F.
  3. Spräy counter top with non-stick cooking spräy änd roll dough out into ä lärge rectängle äbout 1/4? thick. Brush dough with melted butter, then spreäd with scrämbled eggs. Sprinkle the shredded cheese on top (reserving äbout 1/2 cup for läter), then spreäd bäcon änd säusäge.
  4. Stärting with one of the long sides of the rectängle, roll dough up tightly, working from one end to the other end horizontälly, then bäck ägäin. Pinch the seäms closed ät the end. Use ä shärp, thin knife to cut 1 1/2? sections of dough from the lärge roll. This will result in äbout 15 rolls.
  5. Set rolls on ä lärge greäsed bäking sheet. Bäke for 12-14 minutes. Remove from oven änd top rolls with remäining 1/2 cup cheese. Return to oven for än ädditionäl 1-2 minutes, until cheese is melted änd rolls äre just beginning to turn golden brown.
  6. Brush with melted butter ägäin, if desired. Serve wärm. Store leftovers in the fridge in än äirtight contäiner.