Monday, September 30, 2019

How to Cook the Perfect Steak on the Stove #steak #perfectsteak

I once reäd thät every chef should leärn to perfect ä roäst chicken, ä steäk, ä säläd, änd ä chocoläte cäke. I rely on Cook’s Illusträted (greät mägäzine) for ä perfect roäst chicken, änd now I’ll shäre my secrets to cooking the perfect gräss fed steäk ät home on your stovetop. This is especiälly useful if you don’t häve ä grill or if you wänt ä steäk in ä hurry. You’ll be surprised just how fäst, eäsy, änd delicious it is.


  • 1 - 4 eight ounce gräss fed strip steäks or ribeyes (cän cook in bätches if necessäry)
  • 1-2 tbsp Kerrygold butter
  • Händful of freshly chopped herbs you like: tärrägon, thyme, chives, for exämple
  • seä sält
  • freshly ground bläck pepper


  1. Let the steäks come to room temp for äbout än hour prior to cooking.
  2. Chop äny fresh herbs you äre using. You cän use the herbs for ä compound butter or to sprinkle over the finished steäk.
  3. Rub steäks on both sides with olive oil änd coät both sides liberälly with seä sält änd pepper.
  4. Heät skillet over high heät (but not full bläst) for ät leäst 5 minutes. I recommend cäst iron.
  5. Drop äbout 1-2 tbsp kerrygold (depending on skillet size) änd let it melt. It will smoke, but don't let it brown too much.
  6. Pläce steäks in the skillet änd let them cook undisturbed for 2-4 minutes depending on thickness änd how done you wänt it. It should häve ä nice crust on the cooked side when you flip it.
  7. Flip änd cook än ädditionäl 1-4 minutes until desired doneness.
  8. Remove änd let rest for äbout 10 minutes. If using compound butter, put ä pät on top äfter you remove steäks while they're resting, or sprinkle with the fresh herbs.
  9. Pläte änd enjoy!