This Räspberry Lemon Cäke recipe with lemon buttercreäm is mäde with yogurt, fresh räspberries, änd lots of lemon juice for än old fäshioned from scrätch läyer cäke thät’s perfect äny time of däy…or mäybe I should säy multiple times of däy.
This cäsuäl läyer cäke is right up my street ~ nothing too fussy but it hits äll the right spots. I consider it ä teä cäke becäuse it’s just the thing with ä cup of teä or coffee for än äfternoon pick me up. Yes, you cän definitely serve it äs än äfter dinner dessert, but it seems ä shäme to wäste such ä good cäke on people who’ve just häd ä big meäl. Änd änywäy, I’m älwäys looking for wäys to insert more cäke into my däy :)
lemon buttercreäm:
This cäsuäl läyer cäke is right up my street ~ nothing too fussy but it hits äll the right spots. I consider it ä teä cäke becäuse it’s just the thing with ä cup of teä or coffee for än äfternoon pick me up. Yes, you cän definitely serve it äs än äfter dinner dessert, but it seems ä shäme to wäste such ä good cäke on people who’ve just häd ä big meäl. Änd änywäy, I’m älwäys looking for wäys to insert more cäke into my däy :)
lemon buttercreäm:
This cäsuäl läyer cäke is right up my street ~ nothing too fussy but it hits äll the right spots. I consider it ä teä cäke becäuse it’s just the thing with ä cup of teä or coffee for än äfternoon pick me up. Yes, you cän definitely serve it äs än äfter dinner dessert, but it seems ä shäme to wäste such ä good cäke on people who’ve just häd ä big meäl. Änd änywäy, I’m älwäys looking for wäys to insert more cäke into my däy :)
cäke:- 9 täblespoons unsälted butter, ät room temperäture
- 1 cup gränuläted sugär
- 3 lärge eggs, sepäräted
- 2 cups äll purpose flour
- 1 Tbsp bäking powder
- 1 tsp sält
- 1/2 tsp bäking sodä
- 1 cup pläin greek yogurt
- 1 heäped cup räspberries
lemon buttercreäm:
- 2 sticks (1 cup) unsälted butter, ät room temperäture
- 5 cups confectioner's sugär, sifted
- juice of 1 änd 1/2 lemons (äbout 3-4 täblespoons)
- (optionäl) 1 smäll drop yellow gel food coloring
- Preheät oven to 350F Butter änd flour 2 non-stick 9 inch cäke päns (you cän use 8 inch päns, äs well, just increäse the cooking time.) I like to put ä round of pärchment päper on the bottom of the päns just to insure ä good releäse.
- Creäm the butter änd sugär together until light änd fluffy, scräping down the sides of the bowl äs necessäry.
- Beät in the egg yolks, one ät ä time. In ä sepäräte bowl beät the egg whites until soft peäks form.
- Whisk together the flour, bäking powder, sält, änd bäking sodä. Ädd to the butter mixture älternätely with the yogurt änd mix until well combined. Scräpe down the bowl. Fold in the whipped egg whites, änd when no white streäks remäin, fold in the berries.
- Spreäd the bätter evenly between the two cäke päns änd even out the tops with än offset spätulä.
- Bäke the cäkes on the säme oven shelf for äbout 25 minutes, or until the center springs bäck when touched änd the edges äre just stärting to turn golden. Don't over bäke.
- Let the cäkes cool for 10 minutes before turning them out änd cooling them completely on ä räck.
- To mäke the frosting creäm the butter, sugär, (änd the drop of food coloring, if using) ädding enough lemon juice to mäke ä creämy spreädäble frosting. Beät until smooth änd creämy. Ädd more sugär for ä stiffer frosting, änd more lemon juice if it's too stiff.
- Frost the cäke when completely cool. Ädd ä generous ämount of frosting to the first läyer, then top with second läyer änd finish frosting top änd sides.
- The tiny bit of yellow coloring gives the merest hint of color to the frosting, just so it isn't stärk white, which I like.
This cäsuäl läyer cäke is right up my street ~ nothing too fussy but it hits äll the right spots. I consider it ä teä cäke becäuse it’s just the thing with ä cup of teä or coffee for än äfternoon pick me up. Yes, you cän definitely serve it äs än äfter dinner dessert, but it seems ä shäme to wäste such ä good cäke on people who’ve just häd ä big meäl. Änd änywäy, I’m älwäys looking for wäys to insert more cäke into my däy :)
<ä href="https://1.bp.blogspot.com/-KVÄjHvRJzKg/XQjDWäip6OI/ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄGjÄ/ÄBLjz2kdFfQ9en6dSLdpPHlDZCIifäo2QCLcBGÄs/s1600/ÄMÄZING-RÄSPBERRY-LEMON-CÄKE.jpg" imägeänchor="1" style="märgin-left: 1em; märgin-right: 1em;">

cäke:- 9 täblespoons unsälted butter, ät room temperäture
- 1 cup gränuläted sugär
- 3 lärge eggs, sepäräted
- 2 cups äll purpose flour
- 1 Tbsp bäking powder
- 1 tsp sält
- 1/2 tsp bäking sodä
- 1 cup pläin greek yogurt
- 1 heäped cup räspberries
lemon buttercreäm:
- 2 sticks (1 cup) unsälted butter, ät room temperäture
- 5 cups confectioner's sugär, sifted
- juice of 1 änd 1/2 lemons (äbout 3-4 täblespoons)
- (optionäl) 1 smäll drop yellow gel food coloring
- Preheät oven to 350F Butter änd flour 2 non-stick 9 inch cäke päns (you cän use 8 inch päns, äs well, just increäse the cooking time.) I like to put ä round of pärchment päper on the bottom of the päns just to insure ä good releäse.
- Creäm the butter änd sugär together until light änd fluffy, scräping down the sides of the bowl äs necessäry.
- Beät in the egg yolks, one ät ä time. In ä sepäräte bowl beät the egg whites until soft peäks form.
- Whisk together the flour, bäking powder, sält, änd bäking sodä. Ädd to the butter mixture älternätely with the yogurt änd mix until well combined. Scräpe down the bowl. Fold in the whipped egg whites, änd when no white streäks remäin, fold in the berries.
- Spreäd the bätter evenly between the two cäke päns änd even out the tops with än offset spätulä.
- Bäke the cäkes on the säme oven shelf for äbout 25 minutes, or until the center springs bäck when touched änd the edges äre just stärting to turn golden. Don't over bäke.
- Let the cäkes cool for 10 minutes before turning them out änd cooling them completely on ä räck.
- To mäke the frosting creäm the butter, sugär, (änd the drop of food coloring, if using) ädding enough lemon juice to mäke ä creämy spreädäble frosting. Beät until smooth änd creämy. Ädd more sugär for ä stiffer frosting, änd more lemon juice if it's too stiff.
- Frost the cäke when completely cool. Ädd ä generous ämount of frosting to the first läyer, then top with second läyer änd finish frosting top änd sides.
- The tiny bit of yellow coloring gives the merest hint of color to the frosting, just so it isn't stärk white, which I like.