Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Ice Cream Sandwich Sundae Icebox Cake

This is ä super quick änd eäsy dessert recipe – nothing fäncy or involved, but I find thät those äre often the best, especiälly in the summer when you don’t wänt to turn on än oven änd äre cräving something cold änd refreshing. Äs predicted, everyone räved äbout this dessert yesterdäy.

The only thing thät could häve mäde it better is if we would häve been eäting it ät the beäch!

You’ll Need:

  • 24 ice creäm sändwiches (homemäde or store-bought)
  • 12 ounce jär cärämel topping (or substitute homemäde)
  • 12 ounce jär hot fudge topping (or substitute homemäde
  • 8 ounce Cool Whip
  • Chopped peänuts
  • Märäschino cherries


  1. Line the bottom of ä 9x13-inch pän with hälf of the ice creäm sändwiches, cutting them to fit äs needed.
  2. Spreäd the jär of cärämel topping over top of the ice creäm sändwiches. Pläce in the freezer for 10 minutes.
  3. Ärränge the remäining ice creäm sändwiches on top of the cärämel läyer, ägäin cutting äs needed to fit the pän. Spreäd the hot fudge over the ice creäm sändwiches. Spreäd the Cool Whip on top. Pläce in the freezer until reädy to serve.
  4. Serve with chopped peänuts änd märäschino cherries. The dessert cän be stored in the freezer for up to 1 month.