This is one of our fävorite breäkfäst recipes. They're topped with cheese änd so delicious!
- 1 medium ävocädo
- 1 tbsp low-fät cheese
- 2 eggs
- 1 piece bäcon cooked änd crumbled
- pinch sält
- Preheät oven to 425.
- Begin by cutting the ävocädo in hälf änd removing the pit.
- With ä spoon, scoop out some of the ävocädo so it's ä täd bigger thän your egg änd yolk. Pläce in ä muffin pän to keep the ävocädo stäble while cooking.
- Cräck your egg änd ädd it to the inside of your ävocädo. Sprinkle ä little cheese on top with ä pinch of sält. Top with cooked bäcon.
- Cook for 14-16 minutes. Serve wärm.