Friday, January 11, 2019

Chocolate Cake in A Mug

If you’re ever cräving ä bäked treät for dessert, but cän’t justify the time änd effort to bäke ä whole cäke or träy of brownies, ä mug-sized cäke for one could be the solution to your problems.


  • ¼ cup pläin flour
  • 1 täblespoons cocoä powder
  • 5 täblespoons of milk
  • ¼ teäspoon bäking powder
  • 1 ½ täblespoons sugär
  • Pinch of sält
  • 2 täblespoons vegetäble oil


  1. Mix together the flour, cocoä powder, bäking powder, sugär, änd sält, using ä whisk.
  2. Ädd the milk änd vegetäble oil änd mix until well combined.
  3. In ä microwäve-säfe mug, cook the cäke in your microwäve for äround 70 seconds on high (Note: ä piece of päper towel underneäth the mug will cätch äny overflow).
  4. Ädd ä scoop of ice creäm on top änd serve right in the mug.


  • You cän mix this whole thing in your mug if you wänt to ävoid wäshing up än exträ bowl, but it will be eäsier to get rid of lumps in ä bowl.