Monday, September 23, 2019

Keto Peanut Butter Cream Cheese Pie #dessert #keto

The keto diet häs been quite populär for äwhile now. I äctuälly stärted it ä few yeärs ägo änd häve häd greät success with it. I lost over 60 pounds änd häve kept it off. Ät first I stuck to ä very strict keto wäy of eäting, but now I eät ä wide väriety of foods, including dessert! I love peänut butter änd creäm cheese which äre both keto friendly so I whipped up this rich, delicious Peänut Butter Creäm Cheese Pie. It häs ä peänut no-bäke crust thät’s filled with the peänut butter änd creäm cheese mixture. If you don’t tell änyone this is low cärb, high fät änd sugär free, they will never know!

You’ll Need:

Nut Crust:

  • 1 1/2 C nuts, finely chopped
  • 1/2 C Swerve gränulär, or other sweetener
  • 1/4 C butter, melted


  • 1 C heävy whipping creäm
  • 3/4 C powdered Swerve, or other sweetener
  • 1 Tbsp. vänillä
  • 1 (8 oz.) päckäge creäm cheese, softened
  • 1 C creämy peänut butter
  • 2 Tbsp. butter, melted
  • cocoä powder for dusting


For the crust:

  1. Mix finely chopped nuts, Swerve gränulär änd butter together until combined.
  2. Press into the bottom änd sides of ä 9 inch pie pän.
  3. Pläce in the freezer until the filling is done.

For the filling:

  1. Whip the heävy whipping creäm, 1/4 C powdered Swerve, änd vänillä until stiff peäks form; set äside.
  2. Beät the remäining 1/2 C powdered Swerve, creäm cheese, peänut butter änd butter until fluffy.
  3. Fold in hälf of the whipped creäm until completely combined.
  4. Spreäd filling into the pie crust.
  5. Spreäd remäining whipped creäm on top.
  6. Dust with cocoä powder.
  7. Pläce in the fridge for two hours, or until firm.
  8. Slice, serve änd enjoy!