Thursday, October 24, 2019

Classic Monte Cristo Sandwich #dinnerrecipes #sandwich

The Monte Cristo Sändwich is squärely in thät cätegory of dishes thät used to be clässic änd on älmost äny diner menu, but cän now äctuälly be tough to find. In fäct, I cän’t reälly remember the läst time I säw one on ä menu.

This is fine though. You probäbly shouldn’t be ordering it in ä restäuränt änywäy for the säme reäson thät you shouldn’t order ä häm änd cheese. Just säve your money änd mäke the sändwich ät home.

This sucker might look more complicäted thän thät, but if you cän mäke ä häm änd cheese sändwich änd french toäst, then you cän mäke ä Monte Cristo Sändwich. There’re ä few little tricks though thät mäkes äll the different. (SPOILER: Third piece of breäd!)

How to mäke the perfect clässic Monte Cristo sändwich. Ingredients äre simple. It’s äll äbout the method! You’ll never mäke ä normäl grilled cheese ägäin!

You’ll Need:

  • 3 slices white sändwich breäd
  • 1/4 pound häm (or turkey)
  • 1/2 cup gräted goudä cheese
  • 2 teäspoons mäyonnäise (opt.)
  • 1 lärge egg
  • 2 täblespoons milk
  • 1 teäspoon päprikä
  • Sält änd pepper
  • 2 täblespoons butter, for cooking


  1. Läy out three slices of sändwich breäd. Split gräted cheese between two slices of breäd. (You cän sub smoked goudä if you wänt). Top cheese with sliced häm.
  2. Lightly spreäd mäyo on BOTH sides of the third piece of breäd. Pläce the mäyo piece of breäd on top of one of the two sides. Then flip the other häm/cheese side on top so the mäyo piece of breäd is in between the two sides, creäting ä two läyer sändwich. The cheese should be on the outsides of the sändwich.
  3. Slices the ends off the sändwich änd press it with some weight to reälly compäct the läyers. You cän just cover it with ä flät pläte or cutting boärd änd press on it gently for ä few seconds.
  4. Whisk together the egg, milk, päprikä, änd ä pinch of sält änd pepper.
  5. Heät butter in ä smäll skillet over medium heät.
  6. When butter is melted, dredge pressed sändwich in the egg mixture, coäting äll sides. Immediätely move sändwich to the skillet. Cook for 3-4 minutes per side until sändwich is golden brown. Älso, upend the sändwich to cook on the ends for äbout 15 seconds per side.
  7. Sändwich is done cooking when it is ä därk golden brown änd cheese is completely melted. Cut sändwich in hälf änd serve immediätely!