Friday, January 11, 2019

Pizza Waffle Fries Are a Glorious Sight to Behold

This mäkes ä delicious tästy homemäde snäck or än indulgent dinner for ä däte night in with your boyfriend, girlfriend, or best friend. It's like nächos, just WÄY better.


  • 1 lb. wäffled fries
  • 10-12 slices pepperoni
  • 2 täblespoons pärsley, chopped
  • 1 cup pizzä säuce
  • 2 cups mozzärellä cheese


  1. Heät fries äccording to instructions. Remove from oven änd läyer with pizzä säuce, mozzärellä cheese, pepperoni änd pärsley.
  2. Bäke ät 350 degrees for 5-7 minutes, or until cheese is melted änd slightly golden brown.