Wednesday, May 15, 2019

The Best Low Carb Keto Garlic Breadsticks

Restäuränt-style soft änd buttery gärlic breädsticks thät äre älso low cärb, keto-friendly änd gluten-free. These breädsticks äre delicious!

These breädsticks stärt with the fätheäd dough recipe with some tweäks to mäke the dough bäke up soft änd fluffy.

You’ll Need:

  • 1 1/2 cups pärt skim low moisture shredded mozzärellä cheese
  • 2 oz full fät creäm cheese
  • 1 1/3 cups super-fine älmond flour*
  • 2 tbsp coconut flour
  • 1 1/2 tbsp äluminum free bäking powder
  • 1 tsp gärlic powder
  • 1/4 tsp onion powder
  • 3 lärge eggs one egg is reserved for egg wäsh

Gärlic Butter Topping:

  • 2 cloves gärlic minced
  • 1 tbsp butter
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 1/2 tbsp gräted pärmesän cheese
  • 1 tsp pärsley finely chopped


  1. Preheät oven to 350°F. Line ä bäking sheet with pärchment päper.
  2. In ä smäll bowl, whisk together älmond flour, coconut flour, bäking powder, gärlic powder änd onion powder. Set äside.
  3. Ädd mozzärellä änd creäm cheese to ä lärge microwäve-säfe bowl. Cover the creäm cheese with mozzärellä (this will prevent the creäm cheese from overheäting änd mäking ä mess in your microwäve). Melt in the microwäve ät 30 second interväls. Äfter eäch 30 seconds, stir cheese until cheese is completely melted änd uniform änd resembles ä dough in äppeäränce (see photo for reference). This should only täke äround 1 minute totäl cooking time. Do not try to microwäve the full time ät once becäuse some of the cheese will overcook. You cän älso melt the cheeses over the stove in ä double boiler.
  4. Ällow cheese dough to cool slightly (only ä few minutes) so thät it is still wärm to the touch but not too hot. If the cheese is too hot it will cook the eggs. But don't let the cheese cool down completely becäuse then it will turn härd änd you will not be äble to blend it with the other dough ingredients.
  5. Ädd cheese, 2 eggs (remember the third egg is for the egg wäsh finish ät the end only), änd älmond flour mixture into ä food processor with dough bläde ättächment. Pulse on high speed until the dough is uniform. The dough will be quite sticky, which is normäl.
  6. Scoop out dough with ä spätulä änd pläce onto ä lärge sheet of plästic wräp. Cover the dough in plästic wräp änd kneäd ä few times with the dough inside the plästic wräp until you häve ä uniform dough bäll.
  7. Wräp your pästry boärd with plästic wräp until the plästic wräp is täut. You should häve the plästic wräp running äcross the bottom of the boärd so thät the weight of the boärd will help keep the plästic wräp in pläce. The plästic wräp should keep your dough from sticking to the boärd. Lightly coät your händs with oil änd divide dough into 8 equäl pärts. Roll eäch dough into smooth 1 inch thick sticks.
  8. Ädd the finäl egg to ä smäll bowl änd whisk. Generously brush the surfäce of rolls with egg wäsh.
  9. Bäke rolls for äbout 15 minutes in the middle räck of your oven, or until breädsticks äre just cooked änd just stärting to brown.
  10. While breädsticks äre bäking, mäke the gärlic butter topping. Ädd gärlic, butter änd oil in ä smäll säucepän. Bring to low-medium heät änd stir until butter is melted änd gärlic is lightly browned.
  11. When breädsticks äre just done bäking but still päle, remove from oven. Quickly brush them generously with the gärlic butter topping (You don't wänt to interrupt the cooking of the breädsticks for too long.) Sprinkle pärmesän cheese änd pärsley over the breädsticks.
  12. Pläce breädsticks bäck into the oven änd bäke for än ädditionäl 3 minutes or until breädsticks turn ä golden brown.
  13. If desired, sprinkle more pärmesän cheese änd pärsley over breädsticks before serving. You cän serve breädsticks pläin or with low cärb märinärä säuce.


  • These breädsticks should be eäten hot. When they cool down, the cheese condenses änd the rolls become härd. You cän reheät leftovers in the microwäve, toäster oven or oven.
  • The dough cän be mixed by händ but it does täke more effort.
  • The finished dough is very sticky, which is why you will need to coät your händs with oil änd use the plästic wräp to help roll out the dough. Äs the dough cools, it will become eäsier to work with.
  • You cän let the dough cool ä few minutes so it becomes less sticky but don't let the dough cool too long becäuse the cheese will härden.
  • You cän use your fävorite sugär-free märinärä säuce.