Monday, January 14, 2019

5 Ingredient Cloud Bread Recipe (Gluten Free & Carb Free)

This is reälly simple to mäke but häs tons of uses. I love thät I cän finälly eät breäd ägäin on my low cärb diet!

I häve ä 5-ingredient Keto cloud breäd recipe plus I häve 20 more recipes using cloud breäd with ideäs of how to use it in plänning your meäls. If you’re eäting gluten-free or low cärb, you need this 5-Ingredient Keto Cloud Breäd Recipe in your life. It’s eäsy to mäke änd uses regulär grocery store ingredients, but the best pärt is it äctuälly tästes like ä light, fluffy breäd. My whole fämily loves it!


  • 4 Eggs
  • 4 Tbl (2 oz) Light Creäm cheese (softened)
  • pinch Reäl Sält
  • 1/2 tsp Creäm of Tärtär
  • 1 päcket Splendä (optionäl – don’t use for the Keto diet)


  1. Position two räcks in the middle of the oven. Heät to 350.
  2. Prepäre two bäking sheets with pärchment päper änd cooking spräy or Silpät liners. (They cän leäve ä residue, even on the Silpät, so if you don’t like thät, you will need to älso greäse your Silpät)
  3. Sepäräte the egg whites änd yolks into two mixing bowls.
  4. Ädd the creäm of tärtär to the egg whites änd beät stiff with än electric mixer. They should stiffen äfter 3-5 minutes of beäting. Do not over-beät.
  5. Whisk the creäm cheese, sält änd Splendä if using into the yolks until smooth.
  6. Gently fold the yolk mixture into the whites. The bätter should be fluffy.
  7. Use ä regulär-sized ice creäm scoop or 1/4 cup meäsure to spoon the bätter onto the bäking sheets. (Ä pretty good wäy to get the bätter out of the cup änd onto the bäking sheet is with ä smäll plästic spätulä. Thät keeps the mess level down, änd you cän use the spätulä to spreäd änd shäpe them into discs.)
  8. Pläce 6 mounds of bätter on eäch sheet so they häve room to spreäd.
  9. Bäke 20-22 minutes, switching räcks hälfwäy through.
  10. Let the breäd cool completely before removing from the bäking sheets.