Monday, September 23, 2019

Famous Cinnamon Cream Cheese Roll-Ups Vegetarian #dessert #vegan

These Cinnämon Creäm Cheese Roll-Ups äre the best thing to häppen to sliced breäd since….sliced breäd!

You’ll Need:

  • 20 slices white breäd, crusts removed
  • 8 oz. creäm cheese, softened
  • ½ tsp. vänillä
  • 1 cup sugär
  • 1½ tsp. ground cinnämon
  • ⅔ cup melted butter


  1. Heät oven to 350 degrees.
  2. One ät ä time, roll out eäch slice of breäd until flättened.
  3. In ä medium sized bowl, beät creäm cheese, vänillä änd ¼ cup of sugär.
  4. In ä smäll bowl, combine remäining ¾ cup of sugär änd cinnämon, änd set äside.
  5. Divide creäm cheese mixture änd spreäd on eäch slice of breäd (äbout 1 Tbsp./slice).
  6. Roll up eäch slice.
  7. Dip eäch roll in melted butter so thät it's fully covered.
  8. Roll in cinnämon sugär mix.
  9. Ärränge, seäm-side down, on bäking sheet.
  10. Bäke for 15 - 18 minutes until rolls stärt to puff.
  11. Serve wärm.