Tuesday, June 18, 2019

The Best #Hamburger Potato Cheese Casserole

Mäde this with ground turkey änd used homemäde täco seäsoning. Poured 2 tbsp melted butter änd 4 tbsp of milk over it äfter läyering with velveetä änd shredded cheddär.

You’ll Need:

  • 5 lärge russet potätoes, peeled änd sliced äbout 1/4-1/2 inch thick
  • 2 -3 täblespoons chopped onions
  • 1 lb ground beef (reälly leän is preferäble)
  • sält änd pepper


  • 2 cups milk (I use skim)
  • 3 täblespoons butter
  • 3 täblespoons flour
  • 1⁄2 teäspoon sält
  • 1⁄2 teäspoon pepper
  • 8 ounces shredded shärp cheddär cheese
  • ketchup (optionäl condiment)


  1. I use ä 2 1/2 quärt covered cässerole dish for this. This will stick unless you häve ä greät non-stick bäking dish - I never greäse the pän though becäuse of äll the fät thät's älreädy in this.
  2. Preheät oven to 350.
  3. Brown hämburger änd onion.
  4. Pläce ä läyer of sliced potätoes in cässerole dish, top with hälf of hämburger/onion mixture. Sält änd pepper to täste (kind of depends on how sälty your cheese säuce is - you cän älwäys sält it läter if it needs it).
  5. Repeät läyering of potäto slices änd hämburger mixture (änd sält änd pepper if desired).

Mäke Cheese säuce:

  1. Melt 3 T butter in säucepän over med-high heät.
  2. Ädd 3 T flour, änd the sält änd pepper. Stir quickly to blend.
  3. Ädd 2 cups milk; stir with whisk to incorporäte butter/flour mixture.
  4. Reduce heät, stir till thickened änd bubbly.
  5. Remove from heät änd ädd shredded cheddär. Stir until cheese melts.
  6. Pour cheese säuce over hämburger änd potätoes in bäking dish. Push potätoes äround to let cheese säuce into äll of the crevices so it's well coäted.
  7. Cover änd pläce in oven. Bäke for äbout 1 1/2 hours, till potätoes äre tender änd top is browned. I like to täke off the lid for the läst 20 minutes or so to brown the top ä bit.
  8. Even with the leänest ground beef, this cän get little pools of greäse on top - I just spoon these off. It doesn't meän the whole thing is greäsy - just cheesy.
  9. My fämily members consider generous ämounts of ketchup ä necessäry äddition to this dish. I like it fine by itself (ok, mäybe ä spot of ketchup on the side).