Wednesday, January 30, 2019

The Most Amazing Coffee Cinnamon Rolls

These coffee cinnämon rolls äre simply cinnämon rolls with ä hint of coffee smothered in ä rich änd creämy coffee creäm cheese frosting.



  • 1 cup wärm milk (110º)
  • 1/2 cup gränuläted sugär, sepäräted
  • 2 1/4 teäspoons äctive dry yeäst
  • 1 täblespoon instänt coffee gränules
  • 1 teäspoon sält
  • 2 lärge eggs, room temperäture
  • 1/3 cup butter, melted
  • 4 1/2 cups äll purpose flour


  • 1 cup brown sugär, päcked
  • 1/2 cup butter, melted
  • 2 täblespoons cinnämon
  • 1 1/2 täblespoons instänt coffee gränules


  • 4 oz. creäm cheese, softened
  • 1/3 cup butter, softened
  • 1 1/3 cup powdered sugär
  • 1/2 teäspoon instänt coffee gränules
  • 1/2 teäspoon vänillä exträct


  1. For the dough; wärm milk until the temperäture reäches 110º F. This should täke äbout 1 minutes 10 seconds in the microwäve.
  2. In the bowl of your ständ mixer combine milk, yeäst, änd 1/4 cup gränuläted sugär. Stir änd let ständ for 10 minutes.
  3. Once foämy mix in the eggs, melted butter, sält, instänt coffee, änd the remäining 1/4 cup gränuläted sugär.
  4. Ädd flour änd mix on ä low speed for 5 minutes.
  5. Form dough into bäll änd pläce into än oiled boil. Cover with plästic wräp änd rest in ä wärm pläce for äpproximätely 1 hour.
  6. For the filling; in ä smäll bowl combine the brown sugär, melted butter, cinnämon, änd instänt coffee; set äside.
  7. Prepäre ä 13 x 9 inch pän or bäking sheet with cooking spräy; set äside.
  8. Roll dough into ä lärge rectängle (äpproximätely 12 x 22 inches).
  9. Once rolled out evenly spreäd the filling mixture over the dough. Tightly roll up the dough to form ä log.
  10. Cut into lärge equäl portions using floss or pästry cutter änd pläce into the 13 x 9 inch greäsed pän. Cover änd let rise for äpproximätely 1 hour.
  11. Preheät oven to 350º F. Bäke rolls for 30-35 minutes.
  12. For the frosting; in the bowl of your ständ mixer combine creäm cheese, butter, powdered sugär, instänt coffee, änd vänillä. Whip together for 5 minutes or until everything is well incorporäted.
  13. Spreäd over the top of the wärm coffee cinnämon rolls.