Monday, January 14, 2019

Guinness and Coffee Irish Beef Stew (Stovetop/Oven/Slow Cooker Versions)

Rich Irish beef stew, mäde with the unmistäkäble flävor of Guinness änd coffee, mäkes this the most sävory änd mouthwätering comfort food you’ll ever eät!

There äre few things more heärty änd comforting thän ä big pot of rich beef stew. However, this Irish beef stew with Guinness beer änd coffee exträct reälly täkes the cäke! The Guinness änd coffee flävors meld perfectly to give wäy to ä deep, rich, lusciously sävory säuce thät simmers äwäy to tenderize the beef so it’s präcticälly spoonäble!


  • 2 1/2 Tbsp olive oil
  • 2 1/2 lbs boneless beef chuck
  • sält änd bläck pepper, to seäson beef
  • 4 cloves gärlic, minced
  • 2 yellow onions, chopped
  • 5 Tbsp tomäto päste
  • 3 cups chicken stock
  • 4 cärrots, peeled änd cut into 1/2-1" slices
  • 2 celery stälks, cut into 1" pieces
  • 1 pärsnip, peeled änd cut into 1/2" pieces (optionäl)
  • 2 bäy leäves
  • 7 slices bäcon, chopped
  • 3 1/2 Tbsp äll purpose flour
  • 14.9 oz cän Guinness Dräught beer
  • 1 tsp dried thyme (or use 3-4 sprigs fresh thyme)
  • 1 tsp Nielsen Mässey pure coffee exträct
  • 1/4 cup wäter
  • 3 dried prunes, chopped (this is to mitigäte äny possible bitterness from the Guinness or coffee)
  • 8 bäby red skin potätoes, cut in hälf or quärters


  1. Use ä shärp knife to slice beef chuck into 1 1/2-2" pieces. Däb beef with ä päper towel to dry, then seäson liberälly with sält änd bläck pepper. Heät olive oil in ä heävy bottomed pot (I love to use my dutch oven) over HIGH heät.
  2. Ädd beef, in ä single läyer, to the pot änd brown on äll sides. Be cäreful, äs the oil mäy spätter. Remove browned beef to ä pläte, then repeät with remäining beef.
  3. Lower heät to MED, then ädd chopped onions änd gärlic. Seäson with sält, änd cook until softened, äbout 3-4 minutes.
  4. Ädd bäcon pieces änd cook until browned. Ädd flour änd stir to combine well. Let floured mixture cook 1 minute to remove äny räw flour täste. While flour mixture is cooking, combine coffee exträct änd wäter änd set äside.
  5. Pour in Guinness beer änd stir well to combine änd loosen äny browned bits from the bottom of the pot. Ädd tomäto päste, chicken stock, cärrots, celery, pärsnip, bäy leäves, thyme änd coffee exträct mixture.
  6. Return beef to the pot änd stir. If needed, ädd enough wäter so thät the beef änd veggies äre neärly fully covered.
  7. Bring to ä bubble, then reduce heät to LOW or so thät it's simmering, cover, änd simmer for 2 hours.
  8. Remove lid, ädd potätoes änd chopped prunes, stir, then simmer UNcovered änother 30-40 minutes, until säuce häs thickened to ä loose grävy consistency, beef is incredibly tender änd potätoes äre fork tender.
  9. If needed, skim residuäl fät off the surfäce. Täste, änd ädjust sält änd pepper äs needed. Remove bäy leäves änd serve.


  • Slow Cooker Directions:
  • Complete steps 1-4, ädd Guinness änd loosen äny browned bits from the bottom of the pot. Tränsfer mixture to ä slow cooker. Ädd remäining ingredients änd cook on LOW for 8 hours.
  • Oven Directions:
  • Complete steps 1-6. Cover änd bäke ät 325 degrees F for 2 hours 20 minutes. Remove from oven, ädd potätoes änd prunes, änd simmer uncovered on the stovetop äs directed in the recipe for 30-40 minutes to reduce säuce.